
Life Defense Fund co-chair discusses future of abortion after Amendment G fails at election

Life Defense Fund co-chair discusses future of abortion after Amendment G fails at election

SIOUX FALLS, SD (Dakota News Now) – Amendment G failed, with only 41% voting in favor. Of the 10 states where abortion was on the ballot, South Dakota was one of two states that did not pass any measures on the issue.

An abortion measure received a majority of votes in Florida but failed to achieve a three-quarters majority.

Over the summer, two doctors from the Doctors for Freedom coalition spoke about how their hands are tied by South Dakota's current abortion law.

Rick Weiland, co-sponsor of Amendment G, emphasized that concerns about litigation caused this problem and that Amendment G provides the solution.

“Even in the commercials we were bombarded with, they kept talking about, 'Well, we know there are problems with South Dakota's abortion law, but Amendment G is not the solution.' Well, no. Amendment G is the answer,” Weiland said.

However, Rep. Jon Hansen said throughout the campaign that he spoke to doctors about the issue, but they said otherwise.

“I have spoken to numerous physicians across our state who have said that they feel completely comfortable doing their job under our current laws and that they are not concerned about putting the mother's life at risk while doing so take care of the baby at the same time,” says Hansen confirmed.

Hansen said he is open to conversations in the Legislature about what it will take to make it easier for doctors in the state to perform necessary abortions.

Despite the failed vote, there are still legal disputes over the abortion measure.

“We will continue to talk to the legal team involved in this litigation and have those conversations and think about where this litigation should go from there,” Hansen said.

The motion for summary judgment on Dakotans for Health's alleged illegal ballot collection is scheduled to be filed Dec. 2.

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